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Proč v záchranné službě chybí telefonní operátoři?

Reportáž ČT o nízkém počtu zájemců o povolání dispečera záchranné služby v Moravskoslezském kraji. Jak z mého pohledu záchranný dispečink ve Spojených státech amerických přistupoval k zátěži a jakou roli hrály naše služby specializované psychologie výkonu na budování odolnosti dispečerů?

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Podívejte se na rozhovory, které jsme kolegou, Brianem Bishopem, M.A., vedli s coloradskými experty na dech, vyhoření, stres, a mentální přípravu civilních zásahových jednotek.

Práce s dechem a mentální odolnost

Prosinec 21, 2020

What are the main myths about breathing? Why taking a deep breath can be detrimental to your performance and stress levels? What’s the proper breathing biomechanics? How to breathe to increase momentary and long-term resilience?

Gabor Boczonadi is a former tennis player, marathon and ultra-marathon runner, and current specialist on breathwork, yoga, and mindfulness techniques for high performers. Gabor operates under his company Breathlete.

Kde se s Gáborem můžete spojit:

Vyhoření a odolnost

Leden 13, 2021

How does response to stress relate to burnout? Why does focusing and influencing controllables matter? How to effectively manage stress better? How awareness, concentration, and mindset influence performance quality?

Ben O’Brien is a South Metro Fire Rescue firefighter in Colorado. He primarily focuses on resilience, stress-management, and transitions in life. With his company The Functional Man, Ben teaches fellow firefighters to be and maintain at their best throughout their career.

Kde se s Benem můžete spojit:

Vizualizace, růstové myšlení, pracovní prostředí a odolnost

Leden 22, 2021

How can a growth mindset increase resilience? Why is your readiness to perform as important as resilience? How can you apply breathwork, imagery, tactical fitness to improve your performance? How does the environment impact your mindset?

Kevin Housley is a Captain assigned to Engine 3 in Ft. Collins, CO. He started his fire service career in 2005 and was the founder of Firefighter Craftsmanship in 2016. Kevin has served in many roles with his department including engine, truck & training division assignments, In 2017 Kevin was the lead instructor of the largest fire academy in the state of CO and was a finalist for the Colorado Firefighter Instructor of the year. Kevin is a Certified Breathing Coach through XPT Life and has completed the Art of Breath program through Power Speed Endurance. Kevin obtained his BSBA from the University of Denver in 2000, is married to Kristi and has three wonderful children Grady, Graham, and Caroline. Kevin is the Chairman of the Terry Farrell Firefighters Fund-Colorado Chapter and enjoys giving back to the fire service in this role.

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